Plant-Grow-Share A Row presents ...
Celebrate the Harvest with
Soupalicious is a soup-tasting and harvest celebration involving local gardeners, farmers, restaurants and chefs, featuring fresh, locally grown produce and showcasing the local community’s culinary talents through the creation of signature soups for tasting and slurping. Keeping the environment close to our hearts, Soupalicious also strives to be a Zero Waste event.
Developed and refined over many years, Soupalicious was created specifically to be of help to local Plant a Row – Grow a Row communities. A template including artwork, to-do lists, messages and program plan is now ready for sharing and local implementation.
Interested in learning more and becoming a Soupalicious Community to help raise local awareness and funds for your food-growing and -sharing efforts? Contact the staff @ The Compost Council of Canada @ 1-877-571-GROW(4769).
Celebrate the Harvest with
Soupalicious is a soup-tasting and harvest celebration involving local gardeners, farmers, restaurants and chefs, featuring fresh, locally grown produce and showcasing the local community’s culinary talents through the creation of signature soups for tasting and slurping. Keeping the environment close to our hearts, Soupalicious also strives to be a Zero Waste event.
Developed and refined over many years, Soupalicious was created specifically to be of help to local Plant • Grow • Share a Row communities. A template including artwork, to-do lists, messages and program plan is now ready for sharing and local implementation.
Interested in learning more and becoming a Soupalicious Community to help raise local awareness and funds for your food-growing and -sharing efforts? Contact the staff @ The Compost Council of Canada @ 1-877-571-GROW(4769).
We’ll make it soup-er easy for you to get started and on your way to a soup-er fun and locally-rewarding harvest celebration with a Zero-Waste theme.
Grow Your Soup
Plant • Grow • Share a Row
Plant • Grow • Share a Row builds on the long-standing tradition of gardeners loving to share their harvest with others. It is a people-helping-people program to assist in feeding the hungry in their own communities. This is a program championed by community -minded people, including farmers, businesses and individuals in communities across the country. The program's purpose is to celebrate and encourage the growing of extra rows (or pots or containers or whatever you can think of and have handy) of vegetables, herbs and fruit trees, dedicating the extras from the harvest to local food banks and food-sharing organizations to help neighbours in need.
Plant • Grow • Share a Row combines the strength of many initiatives. Through the experience of multiple communities and their sharing of existing information and communication resources, it is hoped that other places across Canada will establish a Plant • Grow • Share a Row campaign in their own community and neighbourhood.
To learn more about how you can start your own program or support an existing initiative in your community, please visit the Plant • Grow • Share a Row website or call the program’s toll-free helpline: 1-877-571-GROW(4769).
For the Love of the Earth
The Compost Council
of Canada
The Compost Council of Canada is a national non-profit, member-driven organization which advocates and advances organics residuals recycling and compost use across the country. The Council serves as the central resource and network for the organics recycling industry in Canada and, through its members, contributes to the environmental sustainability of the communities in which they operate.
SOUPALICIOUS® is championed by the staff at The Compost Council of Canada who are also volunteers & advocates for the Plant • Grow • Share a Row program. They work to obtain the support and involvement of local farms and produce suppliers as well as participating chefs to create SOUPALICIOUS.
To learn more about The Compost Council of Canada, please visit our website.